We take pride in consistently delivering exceptional quality in both our products and services while upholding unwavering reliability. Our commitment extends to continuous improvement in our processes, recognizing quality as an ever-evolving journey for us.
Certified Under Strict Standards
We are certified to the most demanding standards. For over ten years, we have held FSSC 2200 certification, specializing in food safety and food packaging. ISCC+ Certification reflects our commitment with Sustainability Values.
Robotic Precision
Robotic systems at the end of our production lines contribute to the standardization of final processes such as weighing, labeling and packing, helping us to avoid human errors.
Nothing Goes Uninspected
High Tech Vision Inspection Systems are used in order to identify even the smallest defects which in case of detection are effectively segregated from production.
Seamless Traceability
Our products boast comprehensive traceability, extending seamlessly from our manufacturing plants to our customers' doorsteps. The same applies to the materials used during their production.